tp, add main site url in front of it if(!Str::startsWith($urlPartToAppend, "http")) { // If URL part starts with "www", just add "http://" in front of it and return. if(Str::startsWith($urlPartToAppend, "www")) return "http://" . $urlPartToAppend; // Remove the trailing slash from the base url if ($baseUrl === null) return null; $baseUrl = rtrim($baseUrl, "/"); // Remove the first leading slash from the url, if exists. if(Str::startsWith($urlPartToAppend, "/")) { $urlPartToAppend = substr($urlPartToAppend, 1); // If not, prepend current URL. } else { // The URL part is like "other/page.html". Let's say the current URL is "". In // this case, browsers consider "other/page.html" link as "". Here, // we are handling this situation. $currentUrl = $currentUrl ? $currentUrl : $baseUrl; // If the current URL does not end with a forward slash and the URL part to append does not start with // a question mark, we need to get the base resource URL. if(!Str::endsWith($currentUrl, "/") && !Str::startsWith($urlPartToAppend, "?")) { // Remove the last part from the URL when the URL has more than one resource. // First, remove the part until ://. Then, explode it from forward slashes. $replaced = preg_replace("%^[^:]+://%", "", $currentUrl); $parts = explode("/", is_string($replaced) ? $replaced : ''); if (sizeof($parts) > 1) { $currentUrl = pathinfo($currentUrl, PATHINFO_DIRNAME); } } /** @noinspection PhpStatementHasEmptyBodyInspection */ else { // When the URL ends with a forward slash, or the URL to append starts with a question mark, it // means the URL currently points to the URL relative to this url part. E.g. when the URL is // "", and url part to append is "page.html", it means the intended URL is // "". Or, when the URL is "" and url part // to append is "?num=2", the intended URL is "" // So, nothing to do here. } $currentUrl = rtrim($currentUrl, "/"); if(!Str::startsWith($urlPartToAppend, "?")) $currentUrl .= "/"; return $currentUrl . $urlPartToAppend; } // Prepare the full url and return it. return $baseUrl . "/" . $urlPartToAppend; } return $urlPartToAppend; } /** * Resolves a URL. * * @param Uri $baseUri * @param string $relativeUrl Relative or full URL that will be resolved against the given {@link Uri}. * @since 1.8.0 * @return string */ public static function resolveUrl(Uri $baseUri, string $relativeUrl): string { try { // Try to resolve the relative URL $resolvedUri = UriResolver::resolve($baseUri, new Uri($relativeUrl)); // Return the resolved URI return $resolvedUri->__toString(); } catch(Exception $e) { // If there was an error in resolving the URI, inform the user. Informer::add(Information::fromInformationMessage( InformationMessage::URI_COULD_NOT_BE_RESOLVED, $e->getMessage(), InformationType::INFO )->addAsLog()); return $relativeUrl; } } /** * Create a blade view that can be rendered. * @param string $viewName * @return View */ public static function view($viewName) { if (!static::$BLADE) { $views = __DIR__ . Environment::relativeViewsDir(); $cache = __DIR__ . Environment::relativeCacheDir(); static::$BLADE = new Blade([$views], $cache); } return static::$BLADE->view()->make($viewName); } /** * Sorts a multidimensional array according to the specified keys. Example usage: *

* $dataArray = [ ["start" => 2, "end" => 18], ["start" => 3, "end" => 5], ["start" => 19, "end" => 2] ] *

* array_msort($dataArray, ['start' => SORT_ASC]) *

Above example will sort $dataArray ascending by 'start' * * @param array $array * @param array $cols * @return array */ public static function array_msort($array, $cols) { $colarr = array(); foreach ($cols as $col => $order) { $colarr[$col] = array(); foreach ($array as $k => $row) { $colarr[$col]['_' . $k] = strtolower($row[$col]); } } $eval = 'array_multisort('; foreach ($cols as $col => $order) { $eval .= '$colarr[\'' . $col . '\'],' . $order . ','; } $eval = substr($eval, 0, -1) . ');'; eval($eval); $ret = array(); foreach ($colarr as $col => $arr) { foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { $k = substr($k, 1); if (!isset($ret[$k])) $ret[$k] = $array[$k]; $ret[$k][$col] = $array[$k][$col]; } } return $ret; } /** * Get value from an array * * @param array|null $array The array * @param string $key Target key * @param null|mixed $default Default value * @return mixed */ public static function array_get($array, $key, $default = null) { return Arr::get((array) $array, $key, $default); } /** * Set a value in an array * * @param array $array * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @return array * @since 1.8.0 */ public static function array_set(&$array, $key, $value) { return Arr::set($array, $key, $value); } /** * Gets the HTML of the specified element with its own tag * @param Crawler|null $node * @return string HTML of the element */ public static function getNodeHTML($node): string { return !$node ? '' : static::getDomNodeHtmlString($node->getNode(0)); } /** * Get the HTML code of a {@link DOMNode}. This method definitely returns a string. * * @param DOMNode|null $node The node whose HTML is needed * @return string The HTML of the node. If it is not found, an empty string. * @uses getDomNodeHtml() * @since 1.11.1 */ public static function getDomNodeHtmlString(?DOMNode $node): string { $result = static::getDomNodeHtml($node); return $result === null ? '' : $result; } /** * Get the outer HTML code of a {@link DOMNode} * * @param DOMNode|null $node The node whose HTML is needed * @return string|null If it could be retrieved, the HTML of the node. Otherwise, null. * @since 1.11.1 */ public static function getDomNodeHtml(?DOMNode $node): ?string { if ($node === null || $node->ownerDocument === null) { return null; } $result = $node->ownerDocument->saveHTML($node); return $result === false ? null : $result; } /** * Combines 2 or more arrays into one. * * @param array $mainArray * @param null|array $array1 * @param null|array $array2 * @param null|array $array3 * @return array */ public static function combineArrays($mainArray, $array1 = null, $array2 = null, $array3 = null) { if($array1 && !empty($array1)) $mainArray = array_merge($mainArray, $array1); if($array2 && !empty($array2)) $mainArray = array_merge($mainArray, $array2); if($array3 && !empty($array3)) $mainArray = array_merge($mainArray, $array3); return $mainArray; } /** * @param string|int|null $date A date string * @return string Date string formatted according to WordPress settings */ public static function getDateFormatted($date): string { $nullResult = '-'; if ($date === null) return $nullResult; if(!is_numeric($date)) $date = strtotime($date); return $date ? date_i18n(get_option('time_format'), (int) $date) . " " . date_i18n(get_option('date_format'), (int) $date) : $nullResult; } /** * Get difference for humans between two timestamps. * * @param int|false $from Timestamp * @param string|null $to Timestamp. If null, current time will be used. * @return string Difference for humans */ public static function getDiffForHumans($from, $to = null) { if(!$from) return '-'; if(!$to || !is_numeric($to)) $to = current_time('timestamp'); return human_time_diff($from, (int) $to); } /** * Get plugin file path. The path can be safely used for registration of activation/deactivation hooks. * * @return string */ public static function getPluginFilePath() { return Environment::pluginFilePath(); } /** * Strips slashes of non-array values of the array. * * @param array $array The array whose string values' slashes will be stripped * @return array The array with slashes of its string values are stripped */ public static function arrayStripSlashes($array) { $mArray = []; foreach($array as $key => $value) { if(is_array($value)) { $mArray[$key] = static::arrayStripSlashes($value); } else if (is_string($value)) { $mArray[$key] = stripslashes($value); } else if ($value === null) { $mArray[$key] = ''; } else { $mArray[$key] = $value; } } return $mArray; } /** * Get value of an option unescaped. Value of the option is escaped before it is saved to the database. Hence, * you need to get the value unescaped. This function unescapes the escaped characters. * * @param string $key Option key * @return array|string Unescaped value */ public static function getOptionUnescaped($key) { $value = get_option($key); return is_array($value) ? static::arrayStripSlashes($value) : stripslashes($value); } /** * Removes one backslash from repeating backslashes in a string. E.g. "\\\\ \\\ \\ \" will be "\\\ \\ \ " * * @param string $original * @return mixed */ public static function removeOneBackslashFromRepeatingBackslashes($original) { preg_match_all("/\\\{1,}/", $original, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); $decreaseOffset = 0; foreach($matches[0] as $m) { /** @var array $m 0 => string, 1 => offset */ $mOffset = (int) $m[1] - $decreaseOffset; $original = substr_replace($original, substr($m[0], 0, strlen($m[0]) - 1), $mOffset, strlen($m[0])); $decreaseOffset += 1; } return $original; } /** * Slashes the values of an array using wp_slash function. * * @param array $arr The array whose values will be slashed using wp_slash function * @return array */ public static function arrayDeepSlash($arr): array { $result = []; foreach($arr as $k => $v) { if(is_array($v)) { $result[$k] = static::arrayDeepSlash($v); } else { $result[$k] = wp_slash($v); } } return $result; } /** * Get categories as an array. * * @param null|SettingsImpl $postSettings If this is null, all categories will be returned. Otherwise, only the * categories that are compatible with the post settings will be returned. * @param bool $hierarchical True if the category names should be indented according to their * hierarchy. Otherwise, false. * @return array Structure: [ ['id' => 'categoryId', 'name' => 'Category Name', 'taxonomy' => 'categoryTaxonomy'], ...] */ public static function getCategories($postSettings = null, bool $hierarchical = false) { // Get all category taxonomies in a single array, uniquely. Array keys are the names of the taxonomies. Array // values are the descriptions of them. E.g. ['product_cat' => 'WooCommerce']. If the description is null, // it means no description is needed. $allCategoryTaxonomyData = array_unique( // Define default category taxonomies [ 'category' => null, // This is the default WP category. ] + // Make registered post detail factories be able to add their custom categories PostDetailsService::getInstance()->getCategoryTaxonomies($postSettings) + // Add the custom taxonomies among the others by making sure that they do not override any of the // previously-defined taxonomies. static::getCustomPostCategoryTaxonomies() ); // Prepare the categories $categories = []; foreach($allCategoryTaxonomyData as $taxonomyName => $description) { // If there is no taxonomy name, continue with the next one. if (!$taxonomyName) continue; // Get the categories $cats = get_categories([ 'taxonomy' => $taxonomyName, 'orderby' => 'name', 'hierarchical' => 0, 'hide_empty' => false, ]); // If there is an error or no category, continue with the next one. if (isset($cats["errors"]) || !$cats) continue; /** @var WP_Term[] $cats */ // If the description is an empty string, use taxonomy name as the description. if ($description === '') $description = $taxonomyName; if ($hierarchical) { TermTree::createTree($cats) ->walk(function(TermTreeItem $item) use (&$categories, $description, $taxonomyName) { $categoryItem = self::prepareCategoryItem($item->getTerm(), $taxonomyName, $description, $item->getDepth()); if ($categoryItem === null) return; $categories[] = $categoryItem; }); } else { // Prepare them foreach($cats as $cat) { $categoryItem = self::prepareCategoryItem($cat, $taxonomyName, $description); if ($categoryItem === null) continue; $categories[] = $categoryItem; } } } /** * Modify the categories. The categories are shown, e.g., in Category Map setting. * * @param array $categories Categories. Structured as: * [ * [id => "categoryId", name => "Category Name", taxonomy => "categoryTaxonomy" ], * [id => "categoryId2", name => "Category Name2", taxonomy => "categoryTaxonomy" ], * ... * ] * * @return array Modified categories. * @since 1.6.3 * @since 1.8.0 Updates the structure of the categories array. */ $categories = apply_filters('wpcc/categories', $categories); return $categories; } /** * @param WP_Term $term The term used as a category * @param string $taxonomyName The name of the term's taxonomy * @param string|null $description The description of the term. This will be appended to the term's name. * @param int $depth The depth of the term in its category hierarchy. This value is used to decide * the indentation of the term. * @return array|null An array representing a category item * @since 1.12.0 */ private static function prepareCategoryItem(WP_Term $term, string $taxonomyName, ?string $description, int $depth = 0): ?array { $catId = isset($term->cat_ID) ? $term->cat_ID : null; if ($catId === null) return null; $name = $term->name; // Add the description if ($description) { $name .= " ({$description})"; } $prefix = $depth > 0 ? str_repeat("  ", $depth) : ''; return [ 'id' => $catId, 'name' => $prefix . $name . " ({$catId})", // Add the category ID 'taxonomy' => $taxonomyName ]; } /** * Get custom post category taxonomies defined in the general settings * * @return array A key-value pair where keys are the taxonomies and the values are their descriptions. * @since 1.8.0 */ private static function getCustomPostCategoryTaxonomies() { // Get custom post category taxonomies defined in the general settings $customPostTaxonomiesInSettings = get_option(SettingKey::WPCC_POST_CATEGORY_TAXONOMIES); if (!$customPostTaxonomiesInSettings) return []; $customTaxonomies = []; foreach($customPostTaxonomiesInSettings as $data) { $taxonomyName = Utils::array_get($data, 'taxonomy'); $description = Utils::array_get($data, 'description', ''); // If there is no taxonomy name, continue with the next one. if (!$taxonomyName) continue; $customTaxonomies[$taxonomyName] = $description; } return $customTaxonomies; } /** * Get a value from an array * * @param array $array The array * @param string $key The key whose value is wanted * @param mixed $default Default value if the value of the key is not valid * @return mixed Value of the key or the default value */ public static function getValueFromArray($array, $key, $default = false) { return isset($array[$key]) && $array[$key] ? $array[$key] : $default; } /** * Check if the user wants to change the password for the posts. If not, remove the password field. * * @param array $data Input data from user, such as $_POST * @param array $keys Available setting (post meta) keys * @param null|string $oldPassword Old password to check against. If null, general option will be used to get an * old password. * @return array An array having 'success' and 'message' keys, with data types boolean and string, respectively. */ public static function validatePasswordInput(&$data, &$keys, $oldPassword = null) { $keyPassword = SettingKey::WPCC_POST_PASSWORD; $keyPasswordOld = $keyPassword . '_old'; $keyPasswordValidation = $keyPassword . '_validation'; $success = true; $message = ''; if(!isset($data[SettingKey::WPCC_CHANGE_PASSWORD])) { unset($data[$keyPassword]); unset($keys[array_search($keyPassword, $keys)]); } else { // Check if the old pw is correct $oldPassword = $oldPassword === null ? get_option($keyPassword) : $oldPassword; if($oldPassword !== $data[$keyPasswordOld]) { // Old password is not correct. Remove the password from data and keys, and set success as false. unset($data[$keyPassword]); unset($keys[array_search($keyPassword, $keys)]); $success = false; $message = 'Old password is not correct.'; } else { // Check if passwords match if($data[$keyPassword] !== $data[$keyPasswordValidation]) { $success = false; $message = _wpcc('Passwords do not match.'); } } // Do not save "change password" checkbox's value unset($data[SettingKey::WPCC_CHANGE_PASSWORD]); } return [ 'success' => $success, 'message' => $message ]; } /** * Delete a file * * @param string|null $filePath */ public static function deleteFile(?string $filePath): void { if(!$filePath) return; wp_delete_file($filePath); } /** * Delete a post's thumbnail and the attachment. * * @param int $postId ID of the post whose thumbnail should be deleted * @param Closure|null $shouldDeleteAttachment A function that decides whether the attachment should be deleted or * not. The signature is: fn(int $attachmentId): bool If the * function is null, or it returns `true`, the attachment is deleted. If * the function returns `false`, the attachment is not deleted, it is * only removed from the post. * @since 1.12.0 Add $shouldDeleteAttachment parameter */ public static function deletePostThumbnail($postId, ?Closure $shouldDeleteAttachment = null): void { // Get the ID of the thumbnail attachment $alreadyExistingThumbId = get_post_thumbnail_id($postId); // Delete the thumbnail from the post delete_post_thumbnail($postId); // Delete the attachment if(is_int($alreadyExistingThumbId) && ($shouldDeleteAttachment === null || $shouldDeleteAttachment($alreadyExistingThumbId) === true) ) { wp_delete_attachment($alreadyExistingThumbId); } } /** * Convert encoding of a string * * @param string $string The string whose encoding will be converted * @param string $targetEncoding Target encoding * @return mixed|string Resultant string */ public static function convertEncoding($string, $targetEncoding = 'UTF-8') { return mb_convert_encoding($string, $targetEncoding, mb_detect_encoding($string, 'UTF-8, ISO-8859-1', true)); } /** * @param string $name Name of the term * @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy of the term * @param array|string $args Other arguments. See {@link wp_insert_term()}. * @return int|null If the term is inserted or it exists, its ID. Otherwise, null. */ public static function insertTerm($name, $taxonomy, $args = []) { // Maximum term name length is 200 chars according to the database table named as 'terms' $maxLength = 200; if (mb_strlen($name) > $maxLength) { $oldName = $name; $name = mb_substr($name, 0, $maxLength); // Notify the user about this. Informer::addInfo(sprintf( _wpcc('Length of the term is greater than %2$s. Therefore, it is shortened. Term: "%1$s", Shortened: "%3$s"'), $oldName, $maxLength, $name ))->addAsLog(); } $result = wp_insert_term($name, $taxonomy, $args); $termId = null; $errorMessage = null; if (!is_wp_error($result) && !empty($result['term_id'])) { $termId = absint($result['term_id']); } else if(is_wp_error($result)) { $termId = $result->get_error_data('term_exists'); // The term could not be inserted. Try to get the error message. if (!$termId) { $errorMessage = $result->get_error_message(); } } // If the term could not be inserted or retrieved, inform the user. if ($termId === null) { $argsInfo = json_encode($args); if ($argsInfo === false) $argsInfo = ''; Informer::addError(sprintf( _wpcc('Term "%1$s" could not be added to taxonomy "%2$s" (Args: %3$s). Message: %4$s'), $name, $taxonomy, $argsInfo, isset($errorMessage) && $errorMessage ? $errorMessage : '-') )->addAsLog(); } return $termId; } /** * Separates the strings with the given separators and returns a flat array. E.g. if the given array is * ["val1, val2", "val3, val4 | val5"] with separators given as [",", "|"], the result will be * ["val1, "val2", "val3", "val4", "val5"] * * @param array|string $values An array of strings or a string. * @param array $separators An array of separators. E.g. [",", "|"] * @param bool $trim True if the values should be trimmed. * @return array A flat array that contains separated values. * @since 1.8.0 */ public static function getSeparated($values, $separators, $trim = true) { // If there is no value, stop. if (!$values) return []; // If the value is not an array, make it an array. if (!is_array($values)) $values = [$values]; // Create splitter regex // Remove empty values. $separators = array_filter($separators, function($separator) { return $separator !== ''; }); // This will turn [',', '-', '/'] into ',|-|\/' $splitPart = implode('|', array_map(function($separator) { return preg_quote($separator, '/'); }, $separators)); // If there is no split part, stop. if (!$splitPart) return static::filterEmptyStrings($values); // Create the final splitter regex $splitRegex = "/($splitPart)/"; $preparedValues = []; $separatorListStrForNotification = null; $valueListStrForNotification = null; foreach($values as $valStr) { $res = preg_split($splitRegex, $valStr); // If there is an error, notify the user and continue with the next string. if ($res === false) { if ($separatorListStrForNotification === null) $separatorListStrForNotification = implode(' ', $separators); if ($valueListStrForNotification === null) $valueListStrForNotification = implode(' ', $values); Informer::addError(sprintf( _wpcc('%1$s could not be separated using these separators: %2$s'), $valueListStrForNotification, $separatorListStrForNotification) )->addAsLog(); continue; } $preparedValues[] = $res; } // Make sure we have a flat array. $preparedValues = Arr::flatten($preparedValues); // Prepare the items $preparedValues = array_values(array_filter(array_map(function($v) use (&$trim) { // Remove the item if it is not valid. if (!$v) return null; // Trim it if it is required. $result = $trim ? trim($v) : $v; // If the item is still valid, return it. Otherwise, remove it. return $result ? $result : null; }, $preparedValues))); return static::filterEmptyStrings(array_values($preparedValues)); } /** * @throws FileNotFoundException * @since 1.9.0 * @noinspection PhpFullyQualifiedNameUsageInspection */ public static function validateCRON(): void { if (!Environment::F_CHECK) return; // @phpstan-ignore-line $optName = md5('wpcc_last_cron_validation_date_time'); $lastValue = get_option($optName, null); if ($lastValue === '') $lastValue = null; $lastDate = null; $nextValidation = null; if($lastValue !== null) { $lastValue = base64_decode($lastValue); $split = explode('|', $lastValue); $lastDate = $split[0]; $nextValidation = count($split) < 2 ? 48 : (int) $split[1]; } $currentTimeMysql = (string) current_time('mysql'); $lastValidationTimestamp = (new DateTime($lastDate !== null ? $lastDate : 'now'))->getTimestamp(); $nowTimestamp = (new DateTime($currentTimeMysql))->getTimestamp(); // Validate every 4 hours if ($lastValue !== null && ($lastValidationTimestamp >= $nowTimestamp || $nowTimestamp - $lastValidationTimestamp < $nextValidation * 60 * 60)) return; $fs = Factory::fileSystem(); $i = 'MC'; $s = 'e'; $ql = 'TS'; $l = 'WP'; $cc = 'nt'; $cls = $l.$ql.'L'.$i.'li'.$s.$cc; $targetFilePath = Factory::assetManager()->appPath($cls .'.p'.'hp'); $sut = $fs->get($targetFilePath); $sutHash = md5(base64_encode($sut)); try { $fName = (new \ReflectionClass('WP'.'C'.'Cr'.'awl'.'er\\'.$cls))->getFileName(); if ($fName && realpath($fName) !== realpath($targetFilePath) && $fs->exists($fName)) { $fs->put($fName, str_replace($cls, $cls.substr($cls, 5-6), $fs->get($fName))); } } catch (\ReflectionException $e) {} $correct = $sutHash === Environment::fHash(); if ($correct) { static::updateNextValidation($optName, $currentTimeMysql); return; } $fPath = Factory::assetManager()->appPath(Environment::relativeStorageDir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "fact".'s.'."t".'x'.'t'); if(!$fs->exists($fPath) || !$fs->isFile($fPath)) { static::restore($targetFilePath, $fPath); static::updateNextValidation($optName, $currentTimeMysql); return; } $raw = trim($fs->get($fPath)); $content = base64_decode($raw); if ($content === false) { // @phpstan-ignore-line static::restore($targetFilePath, $fPath); static::updateNextValidation($optName, $currentTimeMysql); return; } if ($fs->size($fPath) !== Environment::fSize() || md5($raw) !== Environment::fHash()) { static::restore($targetFilePath, $fPath); } else { $fs->put($targetFilePath, $content); } static::updateNextValidation($optName, $currentTimeMysql); } /** * @param string $optName * @param string|float|int $currentTimeMysql * @since 1.9.0 */ private static function updateNextValidation($optName, $currentTimeMysql): void { $validations = [48, 60, 72, 84, 96]; update_option($optName, base64_encode($currentTimeMysql . '|' . $validations[array_rand($validations)]), true); } /** * @param string $targetFilePath Full path * @param string $fPath Full path * @throws FileNotFoundException * @since 1.9.0 */ private static function restore($targetFilePath, $fPath): void { $fs = Factory::fileSystem(); $rawFPath = Factory::assetManager()->publicPath('u'."i.".'fa'."ct"); if(!$fs->exists($rawFPath) || !$fs->isFile($rawFPath)) { wp_die(sprintf('File '.'cou'.'ld '.'not be fou'.'nd in "%1$s"', $rawFPath)); } $raw = trim($fs->get($rawFPath)); $content = base64_decode($raw); if ($content === false) { // @phpstan-ignore-line wp_die(sprintf('Conte'.'nts cou'.'ld not b'.'e ret'.'rieved fro'.'m fil'.'e "%1$s"', $rawFPath)); } if (md5($raw) !== Environment::fHash()) { wp_die('W'.'P'.' C'.'on'.'ten'.'t C'.'raw'.'ler: An e'.'rror occ'.'urred. Plea'.'se cont'.'act the dev'.'eloper.'); } $fs->put($targetFilePath, $content); $fs->put($fPath, $raw); } /** * Converts encoding of the given items from UTF8 to UTF8 to fix mixed UTF8 char problems caused when parsing * to JSON. The specific error is "Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded" ({@link JSON_ERROR_UTF8}) * retrieved from {@link json_last_error()}. * * @param mixed $data The data whose mixed encoding should be fixed * @return mixed * @since 1.8.0 * @see */ public static function deepFixMixedUTF8Encoding($data) { if (is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $data[$key] = static::deepFixMixedUTF8Encoding($value); } } else if (is_string($data)) { return mb_convert_encoding($data, "UTF-8", "UTF-8"); } return $data; } /** * Get current locale's code. The language code's part that comes before underscore '_' char is returned. * * @return string Language code of the current locale of WP * @since 1.8.0 */ public static function getLocaleCode() { // Get the locale from WP $locale = get_locale(); // If there exists a locale and it contains an underscore if ($locale && Str::contains($locale, '_')) { // Get the part coming before the underscore $exploded = explode('_', $locale); $locale = $exploded[0]; // Otherwise, if there is no locale, set a default code. } else if (!$locale) { $locale = 'en'; } return $locale; } /** * Get published sites. * * @return array See {@link get_posts}. * @uses get_posts * @since 1.9.0 */ public static function getSites() { // If the value was prepared before, return it. if (static::$SITES) return static::$SITES; // Get the sites $sites = get_posts(['post_type' => Environment::postType(), 'numberposts' => -1]); // Define a default title for the sites that do not have a title. $defaultTitle = _wpcc('(no title)'); // Prepare the sites array_walk($sites, function($item) use (&$defaultTitle) { /** @var WP_Post $item */ // If the site does not have a title, set its title as the default title. if (!$item->post_title) $item->post_title = $defaultTitle; // Add the ID to the title. $item->post_title .= " ({$item->ID})"; }); static::$SITES = $sites; return static::$SITES; } /** * @return array See {@link Utils::$authors} * @since 1.11.0 */ public static function getAuthors() { if (static::$authors === null) { // Get authors $authorsRaw = get_users([ 'orderby' => 'nicename', 'fields' => ['ID', 'user_nicename'] ]); static::$authors = []; foreach($authorsRaw as $author) { static::$authors[$author->ID] = $author->user_nicename; } } return static::$authors; } /** * Get post statuses * * @return array An associative array of post statuses where keys are unique status keys and * values are human-readable names. * * @since 1.11.0 */ public static function getPostStatuses(): array { $statusObjects = get_post_stati([], 'objects'); if (!$statusObjects) return []; $result = []; foreach($statusObjects as $statusObject) { $name = $statusObject->name ?? null; $label = $statusObject->label ?? _wpcc('Unknown'); if ($name === null) continue; $result[$name] = "$label ($name)"; } return $result; } /** * Get sites in a structure that can be used to easily show them in a select element. * * @return array A key-value pair where the keys are site IDs and the values are the site names. * @uses Utils::getSites() * @since 1.9.0 */ public static function getSitesForSelect() { // Get available sites $availableSites = Utils::getSites(); if (!$availableSites) return []; $sites = []; foreach($availableSites as $site) { $sites[$site->ID] = $site->post_title; } return $sites; } /** * Remove empty strings from a sequential array * * @param array $arr A sequential array * @return array Filtered sequential array * @since 1.9.0 */ public static function filterEmptyStrings($arr) { return array_filter($arr, function($v) { return $v !== ''; }); } /** * Check if an option is selected or not. * * @param string $optionValue * @param array|string $selectedValues * @return bool True if the option is selected. * @since 1.9.0 */ public static function isOptionSelected($optionValue, $selectedValues) { return !is_array($selectedValues) ? $selectedValues == $optionValue : array_search($optionValue, $selectedValues) !== false; } /** * Prepare a query string with the given parameters. This method creates the query string considering the given URL. * * @param string $url URL for which the query string should be prepared * @param array $params Query parameters * @return string Query string starting with either "&" or "?" depending on the given URL. * @since 1.9.0 */ public static function buildQueryString($url, $params) { if (!$params) return $url; return (Str::contains($url, '?') ? '&' : '?') . http_build_query($params); } /** * Escapes special characters in the regular expression replacement strings * * @param string $replacementStr * @return mixed * @since 1.9.0 */ public static function quoteRegexReplacementString(string $replacementStr) { return str_replace('$', '\\$', $replacementStr); } /** * @return bool True if the script is called from an AJAX request. * @since 1.9.0 */ public static function isAjax() { return defined('DOING_AJAX') && DOING_AJAX; } /** * @return bool True if the current page belongs to the plugin. Otherwise, false. * @since 1.9.0 */ public static function isPluginPage() { global $post_type; if ($post_type && strtolower($post_type) === strtolower(Environment::postType())) return true; if(!isset($_GET)) return false; // @phpstan-ignore-line return isset($_GET['post_type']) && strtolower($_GET['post_type']) === strtolower(Environment::postType()); } /** * Get the items existing in all of the arrays * * @param mixed ...$arr An array of sequential arrays * @return array An array that contains the items existing in all of the given arrays * @since 1.11.0 */ public static function arrayIntersect(...$arr): array { if (!$arr || sizeof($arr) < 2) return []; $smallestIndex = 0; $smallest = $arr[$smallestIndex]; // If the smallest array is an empty array, the intersection is an empty array. if (!$smallest) return []; // Find the smallest-size array $smallestSize = sizeof($smallest); for($i = 1; $i < sizeof($arr); $i++) { // If an array is empty, the intersection is an empty array. if (!$arr[$i]) return []; if (sizeof($arr[$i]) >= $smallestSize) continue; $smallest = $arr[$i]; $smallestSize = sizeof($smallest); $smallestIndex = $i; } // Remove the smallest-size array from the given arrays unset($arr[$smallestIndex]); // Items in the smallest-size array must exist in all other arrays. foreach($arr as $item) { if (!$smallest) return []; // @phpstan-ignore-line foreach($smallest as $k => $target) { // If the item exists, continue with the next one. if (in_array($target, $item, true)) continue; // This item does not exist in the smallest-size array. Remove it. unset($smallest[$k]); if (!$smallest) return []; // @phpstan-ignore-line } } // The smallest-size array is the intersection array. return $smallest; } /** * @param object[]|null $arr A sequential object array whose unique items are needed * @return object[] An array of unique objects * @since 1.11.0 */ public static function arrayUniqueObject(?array $arr): array { if ($arr === null || !$arr) return []; $idArray = []; foreach($arr as $item) { if (!is_object($item)) continue; // spl_object_id is a unique ID given to each object. So, the ID array can only have unique objects since // unique IDs are used as keys. If an object has the same ID as an object existing in the ID array, then // it will just be reassigned. So, ID array is unique. $idArray[spl_object_id($item)] = $item; } // Just return the values of the ID array as the final unique array. return array_values($idArray); } /** * Check if a plugin is currently active. This method is created by examining {@link is_plugin_active()} and * {@link is_plugin_active_for_network()}. These functions are available in "admin_init" event, while this method * is available any time. * * @param string|null $plugin Path of the plugin's entrypoint file relative to the "plugins" directory. For * example, for WooCommerce, this is "woocommerce/woocommerce.php". * @return bool * @since 1.11.0 */ public static function isPluginActive(?string $plugin): bool { if (!$plugin) return false; // If this is not a multi site if (!is_multisite()) { return in_array($plugin, apply_filters('active_plugins', get_option('active_plugins'))); } // This is a multi site installation. Get site-wide active plugins. $activePlugins = get_site_option('active_sitewide_plugins'); // Make sure it is an array, since the return type does not guarantee that. return !is_array($activePlugins) ? false : in_array($plugin, array_keys($activePlugins)); } /** * @return array|string[] Decimal separator options that can be shown in a select form item * @since 1.11.0 */ public static function getDecimalSeparatorOptionsForSelect(): array { return [ 'dot' => _wpcc('Dot') . ' (.)', 'comma' => _wpcc('Comma') . ' (,)', ]; } /** * Check if an array has non-empty values. This does not check inner arrays. * * @param array $arr An array * @return bool True if the array has values that are non-empty * @since 1.11.0 */ public static function hasNonEmptyValues(array $arr): bool { return !empty(array_filter($arr, function($v) { if (is_array($v) || is_object($v)) { return !empty($v); } return $v !== ''; })); } /** * Shifts the first key from a dot key. The dot key will be set to the remaining key after this operation. The first * key will be returned. The remaining key, i.e. the value of $dotKey, will be an empty string if the given $dotKey * has only one part. * * @param string|null $dotKey A dot notation key * @param string $separator The separator used in the dot key. This is typically '.' * @return string|null First key. If the dotKey is null or an empty string, returns null. If the dot key could not * be separated by using the given separator, returns null. * @since 1.11.1 */ public static function shiftFirstKey(?string &$dotKey, string $separator = '.'): ?string { if ($dotKey === null || $dotKey === '') { return null; } // Explode the dot key from the separators. Set the limit as 2 since we need the first key and the rest of the // dot key. $exploded = explode($separator, $dotKey, 2); if ($exploded) { // Get the first key $firstKey = $exploded[0]; // The remaining dot key should be in the index 1. $dotKey = $exploded[1] ?? ''; return $firstKey; } return null; } /** * Get the details of attachments with their IDs * * @param string[]|int[]|null $attachmentIds IDs of the attachments whose information is needed * @return array|null An array whose keys are attachment IDs and whose values are the information about * the attachments retrieved via {@link wp_prepare_attachment_for_js()}. * @since 1.12.0 */ public static function getAttachmentInfo(?array $attachmentIds): ?array { if (!$attachmentIds) return null; $preparedIds = array_filter(array_map(function($value) { return is_numeric($value) ? (int) $value : null; }, $attachmentIds)); // Get the attachments $attachments = get_posts([ 'numberposts' => -1, 'orderby' => 'post__in', 'include' => $preparedIds, 'post_status' => 'any', 'post_type' => 'attachment', ]); // Prepare the attachment details $result = []; foreach($attachments as $attachment) { if (!($attachment instanceof WP_Post)) continue; $info = wp_prepare_attachment_for_js($attachment) ?: null; if (!is_array($info)) continue; $result[$attachment->ID] = $info; } return $result; } }
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'WPCCrawler\Utils' not found in /home/healths/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-content-crawler/app/RequirementValidator.php:58 Stack trace: #0 /home/healths/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-content-crawler/app/WPCCrawler.php(58): WPCCrawler\RequirementValidator->validateAll() #1 /home/healths/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-content-crawler/app/WPCCrawler.php(44): WPCCrawler\WPCCrawler->__construct() #2 /home/healths/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-content-crawler/wp-content-crawler.php(28): WPCCrawler\WPCCrawler::getInstance() #3 /home/healths/public_html/wp-settings.php(473): include_once('/home/healths/p...') #4 /home/healths/public_html/wp-config.php(99): require_once('/home/healths/p...') #5 /home/healths/public_html/wp-load.php(50): require_once('/home/healths/p...') #6 /home/healths/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(13): require_once('/home/healths/p...') #7 /home/healths/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/healths/p...') #8 {main} thrown in /home/healths/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-content-crawler/app/RequirementValidator.php on line 58