of last post crawl const CRON_LAST_CRAWLED_URL_ID = '_cron_last_crawled_url_id'; // int Stores ID of the last crawled URL from urls table const CRON_POST_NEXT_PAGE_URL = '_cron_post_next_page_url'; // string Stores next page URL for a paginated post const CRON_POST_NEXT_PAGE_URLS = '_cron_post_next_page_urls'; // array Stores next page URLs as a serialized array for a paginated post. This is used if the post has // all of the next pages together. const CRON_POST_DRAFT_ID = '_cron_post_draft_id'; // int Stores the ID of the draft post. A draft post is a post created if target post is paginated. New // content is appended to that post's content. After all pages are crawled, the draft is published. /* Keys for post-recrawling CRON event */ const CRON_RECRAWL_LAST_CRAWLED_AT = '_cron_recrawl_last_crawled_at'; // date Date of last post recrawl const CRON_RECRAWL_LAST_CRAWLED_URL_ID = '_cron_recrawl_last_crawled_url_id'; // int Stores ID of the last recrawled URL from urls table const CRON_RECRAWL_POST_NEXT_PAGE_URL = '_cron_recrawl_post_next_page_url'; // string Stores next page URL for a paginated post const CRON_RECRAWL_POST_NEXT_PAGE_URLS = '_cron_recrawl_post_next_page_urls'; // array Stores next page URLs as a serialized array for a paginated post. This is used if the post has // all of the next pages together. const CRON_RECRAWL_POST_DRAFT_ID = '_cron_recrawl_post_draft_id'; // int Stores the ID of the draft post. A draft post is a post created if target post is paginated. New // content is appended to that post's content. After all pages are recrawled, the draft is published. /* Keys for post-delete CRON event */ const CRON_LAST_DELETED_AT = '_cron_last_deleted_at'; // date Date of last post delete /* *************************************** * * GENERAL SETTINGS' KEYS * Keys of general settings start with "WPCC" so that they can be easily differentiated. * */ // Scheduling const WPCC_IS_SCHEDULING_ACTIVE = '_wpcc_is_scheduling_active'; // bool If true, CRON scheduling is active const WPCC_NO_NEW_URL_PAGE_TRIAL_LIMIT = '_wpcc_no_new_url_page_trial_limit'; // int Stores the limit for how many pages should be crawled if there is no new URL. Read the doc of // SchedulingService#handleNoNewUrlInsertedCount method to understand why this is necessary. const WPCC_MAX_PAGE_COUNT_PER_CATEGORY = '_wpcc_max_page_count_per_category'; // int Max number of pages to be checked for each category const WPCC_INTERVAL_URL_COLLECTION = '_wpcc_interval_url_collection'; // string Key of a WPCC CRON interval, indicating url collection interval const WPCC_INTERVAL_POST_CRAWL = '_wpcc_interval_post_crawl'; // string Key of a WPCC CRON interval, indicating post-crawling interval const WPCC_IS_RECRAWLING_ACTIVE = '_wpcc_is_recrawling_active'; // bool If true, post recrawling is active const WPCC_INTERVAL_POST_RECRAWL = '_wpcc_interval_post_recrawl'; // string Key of a WPCC CRON interval, indicating post-recrawling interval const WPCC_RUN_COUNT_URL_COLLECTION = '_wpcc_run_count_url_collection'; // int How many times URL collection event should be run for each interval const WPCC_RUN_COUNT_POST_CRAWL = '_wpcc_run_count_post_crawl'; // int How many times post crawling event should be run for each interval const WPCC_RUN_COUNT_POST_RECRAWL = '_wpcc_run_count_post_recrawl'; // int How many times post recrawling event should be run for each interval const WPCC_MAX_RECRAWL_COUNT = '_wpcc_max_recrawl_count'; // int Maximum number of times a post can be recrawled const WPCC_MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_TWO_RECRAWLS_IN_MIN = '_wpcc_min_time_between_two_recrawls_in_min'; // int Minimum time in minutes that should pass after the last recrawl so that a post is suitable for recrawling again const WPCC_RECRAWL_POSTS_NEWER_THAN_IN_MIN = '_wpcc_recrawl_posts_newer_than_in_min'; // int Time in minutes that will be used to find new posts for recrawling event. E.g. if this is 1 month in minutes, posts older than 1 month won't be recrawled. const WPCC_IS_DELETING_POSTS_ACTIVE = '_wpcc_is_deleting_posts_active'; // bool If true, post deleting is active const WPCC_INTERVAL_POST_DELETE = '_wpcc_interval_post_delete'; // string Key of a WPCC CRON interval, indicating post-deleting interval const WPCC_MAX_POST_COUNT_PER_POST_DELETE_EVENT = '_wpcc_max_post_count_per_post_delete_event'; // int Maximum number of posts that can be deleted in a post delete event. const WPCC_DELETE_POSTS_OLDER_THAN_IN_MIN = '_wpcc_delete_posts_older_than_in_min'; // int Time in minutes that will be used to find old posts for post-deleting event. E.g. if this is 1 month in minutes, posts older than 1 month will be deleted. const WPCC_IS_DELETE_POST_ATTACHMENTS = '_wpcc_is_delete_post_attachments'; // bool If true, post attachments will be deleted with the post, too. // Post const WPCC_ALLOW_COMMENTS = '_wpcc_allow_comments'; // bool True to allow comments, false otherwise const WPCC_POST_STATUS = '_wpcc_post_status'; // string One of the WordPress post statuses const WPCC_POST_TYPE = '_wpcc_post_type'; // string One of the WordPress post types const WPCC_POST_CATEGORY_TAXONOMIES = '_wpcc_post_category_taxonomies'; // array An array of post category taxonomies and their descriptions. const WPCC_POST_AUTHOR = '_wpcc_post_author'; // int ID of a user const WPCC_POST_TAG_LIMIT = '_wpcc_post_tag_limit'; // int The number of tags that can be added to a post at max const WPCC_CHANGE_PASSWORD = '_wpcc_change_password'; // bool True if the password inputs should be shown. const WPCC_POST_PASSWORD = '_wpcc_post_password'; // string Password for the posts const WPCC_POST_SET_SRCSET = '_wpcc_post_set_srcset'; // bool True if srcset attributes of the saved media should be set in the template const WPCC_PROTECTED_ATTACHMENTS = '_wpcc_protected_attachments'; // array An array of attachment IDs that should not be deleted when recrawling/deleting the post const WPCC_ALLOWED_IFRAME_SHORT_CODE_DOMAINS = '_wpcc_allowed_iframe_short_code_domains'; // array An array of domain names that are allowed for iframe short code const WPCC_ALLOWED_SCRIPT_SHORT_CODE_DOMAINS = '_wpcc_allowed_script_short_code_domains'; // array An array of domain names that are allowed for script short code // Translation const WPCC_IS_TRANSLATION_ACTIVE = '_wpcc_is_translation_active'; // bool If true, content translation is active const WPCC_SELECTED_TRANSLATION_SERVICE = '_wpcc_selected_translation_service'; // string Selected translation service. E.g. Google or Microsoft. const WPCC_TRANSLATION_GOOGLE_TRANSLATE_FROM = '_wpcc_translation_google_translate_from'; // string Language of the original content for Google Translate const WPCC_TRANSLATION_GOOGLE_TRANSLATE_TO = '_wpcc_translation_google_translate_to'; // string Target language for Google Translate const WPCC_TRANSLATION_GOOGLE_TRANSLATE_PROJECT_ID = '_wpcc_translation_google_translate_project_id'; // string Project ID retrieved from Google Cloud Console for Google Cloud Translate API const WPCC_TRANSLATION_GOOGLE_TRANSLATE_API_KEY = '_wpcc_translation_google_translate_api_key'; // string API key retrieved from Google Cloud Console for the project ID const WPCC_TRANSLATION_GOOGLE_TRANSLATE_TEST = '_wpcc_translation_google_translate_test'; // string Text for testing Google Translate API const WPCC_TRANSLATION_MICROSOFT_TRANSLATOR_TEXT_FROM = '_wpcc_translation_microsoft_translator_text_from'; // string Language of the original content for Microsoft Translator Text const WPCC_TRANSLATION_MICROSOFT_TRANSLATOR_TEXT_TO = '_wpcc_translation_microsoft_translator_text_to'; // string Target language for Microsoft Translator Text const WPCC_TRANSLATION_MICROSOFT_TRANSLATOR_TEXT_CLIENT_SECRET = '_wpcc_translation_microsoft_translator_text_client_secret'; // string Client secret for Microsoft Translator Text API const WPCC_TRANSLATION_MICROSOFT_TRANSLATOR_TEXT_TEST = '_wpcc_translation_microsoft_translator_text_test'; // string Text for testing Microsoft Translator Text API const WPCC_TRANSLATION_YANDEX_TRANSLATE_FROM = '_wpcc_translation_yandex_translate_from'; // string Language of the original content for Yandex Translate const WPCC_TRANSLATION_YANDEX_TRANSLATE_TO = '_wpcc_translation_yandex_translate_to'; // string Target language for Yandex Translate const WPCC_TRANSLATION_YANDEX_TRANSLATE_API_KEY = '_wpcc_translation_yandex_translate_api_key'; // string API key for Yandex Translate API const WPCC_TRANSLATION_YANDEX_TRANSLATE_TEST = '_wpcc_translation_yandex_translate_test'; // string Text for testing Yandex Translate API const WPCC_TRANSLATION_AMAZON_TRANSLATE_FROM = '_wpcc_translation_amazon_translate_from'; // string Language of the original content for Amazon Translate const WPCC_TRANSLATION_AMAZON_TRANSLATE_TO = '_wpcc_translation_amazon_translate_to'; // string Target language for Amazon Translate const WPCC_TRANSLATION_AMAZON_TRANSLATE_ACCESS_KEY = '_wpcc_translation_amazon_translate_access_key'; // string Access key for Amazon Translate API const WPCC_TRANSLATION_AMAZON_TRANSLATE_SECRET = '_wpcc_translation_amazon_translate_secret'; // string Secret key for Amazon Translate API const WPCC_TRANSLATION_AMAZON_TRANSLATE_REGION = '_wpcc_translation_amazon_translate_region'; // string A region from AWS to which the API requests will be sent const WPCC_TRANSLATION_AMAZON_TRANSLATE_TEST = '_wpcc_translation_amazon_translate_test'; // string Text for testing Amazon Translate API // Spinning const WPCC_IS_SPINNING_ACTIVE = '_wpcc_is_spinning_active'; // bool If true, content spinning is active. const WPCC_SELECTED_SPINNING_SERVICE = '_wpcc_selected_spinning_service'; // string Selected spinning service. E.g. Chimp Rewriter const WPCC_SPINNING_SEND_IN_ONE_REQUEST = '_wpcc_spinning_send_in_one_request'; // bool If true, every spinnable field's value will be sent to the API in one request. const WPCC_SPINNING_PROTECTED_TERMS = '_wpcc_spinning_protected_terms'; // string Terms that should not be spun // const WPCC_SPINNING_CHIMP_REWRITER_EMAIL = '_wpcc_spinning_chimp_rewriter_email'; // string Email address used for API key in Chimp Rewriter // const WPCC_SPINNING_CHIMP_REWRITER_API_KEY = '_wpcc_spinning_chimp_rewriter_api_key'; // string API key for Chimp Rewriter // const WPCC_SPINNING_CHIMP_REWRITER_APP_ID = '_wpcc_spinning_chimp_rewriter_app_id'; // string App ID for Chimp Rewriter // const WPCC_SPINNING_CHIMP_REWRITER_QUALITY = '_wpcc_spinning_chimp_rewriter_quality'; // int // const WPCC_SPINNING_CHIMP_REWRITER_PHRASE_QUALITY = '_wpcc_spinning_chimp_rewriter_phrase_quality'; // int // const WPCC_SPINNING_CHIMP_REWRITER_POS_MATCH = '_wpcc_spinning_chimp_rewriter_pos_match'; // int // const WPCC_SPINNING_CHIMP_REWRITER_DO_NOT_REWRITE = '_wpcc_spinning_chimp_rewriter_do_not_rewrite'; // bool // const WPCC_SPINNING_CHIMP_REWRITER_LANGUAGE = '_wpcc_spinning_chimp_rewriter_language'; // string // const WPCC_SPINNING_CHIMP_REWRITER_SENTENCE_REWRITE = '_wpcc_spinning_chimp_rewriter_sentence_rewrite'; // bool // const WPCC_SPINNING_CHIMP_REWRITER_GRAMMAR_CHECK = '_wpcc_spinning_chimp_rewriter_grammar_check'; // bool // const WPCC_SPINNING_CHIMP_REWRITER_REORDER_PARAGRAPHS = '_wpcc_spinning_chimp_rewriter_reorder_paragraphs'; // bool // const WPCC_SPINNING_CHIMP_REWRITER_REPLACE_PHRASES_WITH_PHRASES = '_wpcc_spinning_chimp_rewriter_replace_phrases_with_phrases'; // bool // const WPCC_SPINNING_CHIMP_REWRITER_SPIN_WITHIN_SPIN = '_wpcc_spinning_chimp_rewriter_spin_within_spin'; // bool // const WPCC_SPINNING_CHIMP_REWRITER_SPIN_TIDY = '_wpcc_spinning_chimp_rewriter_spin_tidy'; // bool // const WPCC_SPINNING_CHIMP_REWRITER_EXCLUDE_ORIGINAL = '_wpcc_spinning_chimp_rewriter_exclude_original'; // bool // const WPCC_SPINNING_CHIMP_REWRITER_REPLACE_FREQUENCY = '_wpcc_spinning_chimp_rewriter_replace_frequency'; // int // const WPCC_SPINNING_CHIMP_REWRITER_MAX_SYNS = '_wpcc_spinning_chimp_rewriter_max_syns'; // int // const WPCC_SPINNING_CHIMP_REWRITER_INSTANT_UNIQUE = '_wpcc_spinning_chimp_rewriter_instant_unique'; // int // const WPCC_SPINNING_CHIMP_REWRITER_MAX_SPIN_DEPTH = '_wpcc_spinning_chimp_rewriter_max_spin_depth'; // int // const WPCC_SPINNING_CHIMP_REWRITER_TEST = '_wpcc_spinning_chimp_rewriter_test'; // string Text for testing Chimp Rewriter const WPCC_SPINNING_SPIN_REWRITER_EMAIL = '_wpcc_spinning_spin_rewriter_email'; // string Email address used for API key in Spin Rewriter const WPCC_SPINNING_SPIN_REWRITER_API_KEY = '_wpcc_spinning_spin_rewriter_api_key'; // string API key for Spin Rewriter const WPCC_SPINNING_SPIN_REWRITER_CONFIDENCE_LEVEL = '_wpcc_spinning_spin_rewriter_confidence_level'; // string Confidence level const WPCC_SPINNING_SPIN_REWRITER_AUTO_PROTECTED_TERMS = '_wpcc_spinning_spin_rewriter_auto_protected_terms'; // bool True if auto protected terms feature should be enabled const WPCC_SPINNING_SPIN_REWRITER_NESTED_SPINTAX = '_wpcc_spinning_spin_rewriter_nested_spintax'; // bool True if nested spintax feature should be enabled const WPCC_SPINNING_SPIN_REWRITER_AUTO_SENTENCES = '_wpcc_spinning_spin_rewriter_auto_sentences'; // bool True if auto sentences feature should be enabled const WPCC_SPINNING_SPIN_REWRITER_AUTO_PARAGRAPHS = '_wpcc_spinning_spin_rewriter_auto_paragraphs'; // bool True if auto paragraphs feature should be enabled const WPCC_SPINNING_SPIN_REWRITER_AUTO_NEW_PARAGRAPHS = '_wpcc_spinning_spin_rewriter_auto_new_paragraphs'; // bool True if auto new paragraphs feature should be enabled const WPCC_SPINNING_SPIN_REWRITER_AUTO_SENTENCE_TREES = '_wpcc_spinning_spin_rewriter_auto_sentence_trees'; // bool True if auto sentence trees feature should be enabled const WPCC_SPINNING_SPIN_REWRITER_USE_ONLY_SYNONYMS = '_wpcc_spinning_spin_rewriter_use_only_synonyms'; // bool True if use only synonyms feature should be enabled const WPCC_SPINNING_SPIN_REWRITER_REORDER_PARAGRAPHS = '_wpcc_spinning_spin_rewriter_reorder_paragraphs'; // bool True if reorder paragraphs feature should be enabled const WPCC_SPINNING_SPIN_REWRITER_TEXT_WITH_SPINTAX = '_wpcc_spinning_spin_rewriter_text_with_spintax'; // bool True if the text should be returned in spintax format const WPCC_SPINNING_SPIN_REWRITER_TEST = '_wpcc_spinning_spin_rewriter_test'; // string Text for testing Spin Rewriter const WPCC_SPINNING_TURKCE_SPIN_API_TOKEN = '_wpcc_spinning_turkce_spin_api_token'; // string API token for Turkce Spin const WPCC_SPINNING_TURKCE_SPIN_TEST = '_wpcc_spinning_turkce_spin_test'; // string Text for testing Turkce Spin // SEO const WPCC_META_KEYWORDS_META_KEY = '_wpcc_meta_keywords_meta_key'; // string Post meta key to store meta keywords const WPCC_META_DESCRIPTION_META_KEY = '_wpcc_meta_description_meta_key'; // string Post meta key to store meta description const WPCC_TEST_FIND_REPLACE = '_wpcc_test_find_replace'; // string Test code for find-and-replaces const WPCC_FIND_REPLACE = '_wpcc_find_replace'; // array An array including what to find and with what to replace for page // Notifications const WPCC_IS_NOTIFICATION_ACTIVE = '_wpcc_is_notification_active'; // bool True if the notifications should be activated. const WPCC_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_INTERVAL_FOR_SITE = '_wpcc_notification_email_interval_for_site'; // int Number of minutes that should pass before sending another similar notification about the same site const WPCC_NOTIFICATION_EMAILS = '_wpcc_notification_emails'; // array An array of emails to which notifications can be sent // Advanced const WPCC_MAKE_SURE_ENCODING_UTF8 = '_wpcc_make_sure_encoding_utf8'; // bool True if the target pages should be crawled in UTF8, false otherwise. const WPCC_CONVERT_CHARSET_TO_UTF8 = '_wpcc_convert_charset_to_utf8'; // bool True if the charset of the HTML should be converted to UTF8 const WPCC_HTTP_USER_AGENT = '_wpcc_http_user_agent'; // string The user agent for the crawler const WPCC_HTTP_ACCEPT = '_wpcc_http_accept'; // string The user agent for the crawler const WPCC_HTTP_ALLOW_COOKIES = '_wpcc_http_allow_cookies'; // bool True if cookies are allowed, false otherwise const WPCC_DISABLE_SSL_VERIFICATION = '_wpcc_disable_ssl_verification'; // bool True if SSL check should be disabled, false otherwise const WPCC_USE_PROXY = '_wpcc_use_proxy'; // bool True if a proxy should be used when the target page cannot be opened const WPCC_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = '_wpcc_connection_timeout'; // int Maximum allowed number of seconds in which the response should be retrieved const WPCC_TEST_URL_PROXY = '_wpcc_test_url_proxy'; // string A URL that will be used when testing proxies const WPCC_PROXIES = '_wpcc_proxies'; // string New line-separated proxy addresses const WPCC_PROXY_TRY_LIMIT = '_wpcc_proxy_try_limit'; // int Maximum number of proxies that can be tried for one request const WPCC_PROXY_RANDOMIZE = '_wpcc_proxy_randomize'; // bool True if the proxies should be randomized before usage. const WPCC_DISABLE_TOOLTIP = '_wpcc_disable_tooltip'; // bool True if Tooltip used in the UI should be disabled. Otherwise, false. const WPCC_REFRESH_DOCS_LABEL_INDEX = '_wpcc_refresh_docs_label_index'; // This does not store any value in the database. This is just a button. /* *************************************** * * TOOLS PAGE'S SETTING KEYS * */ // Manual crawling tool const WPCC_TOOLS_SITE_ID = '_wpcc_tools_site_id'; // int ID of the site whose settings should be used to crawl the posts const WPCC_TOOLS_CATEGORY_ID = '_wpcc_tools_category_id'; // int ID of the category into which the posts should be saved const WPCC_TOOLS_POST_URLS = '_post_urls'; // string URLs of the posts that should be crawled const WPCC_TOOLS_POST_AND_FEATURED_IMAGE_URLS = '_post_and_featured_image_urls'; // array URLs of posts and their featured images that should be crawled const WPCC_TOOLS_CATEGORY_URLS = '_category_urls'; // array URLs of the categories from which the post URLs should be extracted const WPCC_TOOLS_MAX_POSTS_TO_BE_CRAWLED = '_max_posts_to_be_crawled'; // int Maximum number of posts that should be crawled before pausing const WPCC_TOOLS_MAX_PARALLEL_CRAWLING_COUNT = '_max_parallel_crawling_count'; // int Maximum number of posts that can crawled in parallel const WPCC_TOOLS_MANUAL_CRAWLING_TOOL_CLEAR_AFTER_SUBMIT = '_manual_crawling_tool_clear_after_submit'; // bool When checked, indicates that URLs entered into the manual crawling tool should be cleared // Manual recrawling tool const WPCC_TOOLS_RECRAWL_POST_ID = '_wpcc_tools_recrawl_post_id'; // int ID of the post that should be recrawled // Clear URLs tool const WPCC_TOOLS_CLEAR_URLS_SITE_ID = '_wpcc_tools_clear_urls_site_id'; // int ID of the site whose URL should be deleted const WPCC_TOOLS_URL_TYPE = '_wpcc_tools_url_type'; // string Type of URLs that should be deleted const WPCC_TOOLS_SAFETY_CHECK = '_wpcc_tools_safety_check'; // bool User checks this to indicate he/she is sure about what will happen next /* *************************************** * * DASHBOARD PAGE'S SETTING KEYS * */ const WPCC_DASHBOARD_COUNT_LAST_CRAWLED_POSTS = '_wpcc_dashboard_count_last_crawled_posts'; // int Stores how many posts in "last crawled" section should be shown const WPCC_DASHBOARD_COUNT_LAST_URLS = '_wpcc_dashboard_count_last_urls'; // int Stores how many posts in "last URLs added to queue" section should be shown const WPCC_DASHBOARD_COUNT_LAST_RECRAWLED_POSTS = '_wpcc_dashboard_count_last_recrawled_posts'; // int Stores how many posts in "last recrawled" section should be shown const WPCC_DASHBOARD_COUNT_LAST_DELETED_URLS = '_wpcc_dashboard_count_last_deleted_urls'; // int Stores how many posts in "URLs of last deleted posts" section should be shown }
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'WPCCrawler\Objects\Settings\Enums\SettingKey' not found in /home/healths/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-content-crawler/app/Factory.php:207 Stack trace: #0 /home/healths/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-content-crawler/app/Factory.php(149): WPCCrawler\Factory::getClassInstance() #1 /home/healths/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-content-crawler/app/Factory.php(83): WPCCrawler\Factory::dashboardController() #2 /home/healths/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-content-crawler/app/Factory.php(207): WPCCrawler\Factory->__construct() #3 /home/healths/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-content-crawler/app/Factory.php(34): WPCCrawler\Factory::getClassInstance() #4 /home/healths/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-content-crawler/app/WPCCrawler.php(62): WPCCrawler\Factory::getInstance() #5 /home/healths/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-content-crawler/app/WPCCrawler.php(44): WPCCrawler\WPCCrawler->__construct() #6 /home/healths/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-content-crawler/wp-content-crawle in /home/healths/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-content-crawler/app/Factory.php on line 207